1. Just start. Begin with what you CAN do and WILL do, and then build from there.

  2. Whatever you do, do it FOREVER. Short-term effort will never provide long-term results. Focus on one sustainable change at a time, don’t overhaul everything all at once.

  3. Change your mindset. Utilize these practices to improve health and feel better rather than simply to “look skinnier.”

  4. HLTH coaching. Our HLTH coaching program is designed to help you gain the knowledge, tools, skills, and confidence to take control of your lifestyle, enabling you to reach your HLTH goals. Working alongside the medical provider, your coach will help you realize positive lifestyle changes, which may include behavioral change, nutrition, fitness, stress management, plan development, and accountability. Schedule your free consultation with HLTH Coach Amy.

  5. Track REAL Progress. “Weight” is not a good indicator of overall health. Body weight is influenced by muscle, fat, water, and bone, leading to natural fluctuations that can be misleading and extremely frustrating! Don’t rely on the scale to tell you how you’re progressing. Body composition scans—like a Styku scan or DEXA scan—offer precise, real-time data on changes in muscle mass, fat percentage, and overall body structure. Additionally, regular bloodwork provides insights into your metabolic function and helps you understand what’s happening inside your body, from hormone levels to nutrient deficiencies. This combination of internal and external tracking allows you to see tangible results and make more informed decisions about your health and fitness journey.


Think about what you put into your mouth. YOU ARE IN CHARGE!

Default Food Environment : Change your default food environment. Recognize that the S.A.D. (Standard American Diet) is harmful and avoid it as much as possible.

Prioritize Protein : Aim for close to 1 gram per pound of ideal body weight. 1 egg = 6 grams. An 8oz steak = 45-50 grams. 1 chicken breast = 45-55 grams. See Nutrition Info and Food Ideas page for high-protein food ideas.

Control Carbohydrates : Focus on whole / real food: fruits & vegetables. Avoid simple, refined, highly-palatable foods (think sugar cereals and Doritos) that do not fill you up for long and are super easy to over-consume. If you are obese and/or insulin resistant, strive to reduce carbohydrates as much as possible.

Fuel with fat : Do NOT be afraid to consume fat. Especially when it comes from quality whole / real food sources like meat, eggs, milk, yogurt, cheese, etc. Fat and protein together (as occurs in nature) is highly satiating (filling) and will make it much easier to keep your overall calories down. Eating this way will help your body to become metabolically flexible (aka fat-adapted).

Eat REAL Food : Follow the Nutrition Pyramid. Meat and other animal products, fruits, and vegetables. HLTH Code Meal Replacement is a healthy alternative to real food when time and meal prep are limited.

Hydrate : Drink water WITH electrolytes added (such as Re-Lyte). Blood is not made up of just plain H20. Stay away from sugary sodas, fruit juices, and so-called “healthy” smoothies - some can be massive sugar bombs! Diet soda is better than sugar soda, but still, not the most healthy choice. In-clinic purchases of Re-Lyte are 25% off retail.

Lower your blood sugar, especially after a meal : Be active! Walk, do air squats, play with kids, or take your dog out for some fresh air, especially after food consumed later in the day (dinner). Eating a large meal and then sitting down the rest of the night leads to weight gain . . . every time. Consider a CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitor) to see which foods spike your blood sugar.

Take a break : Give your body a chance to do something else, other than digest food. Minimum 12 hours without food every day. Try to be done eating for the day by 7pm. This of course varies based on the season (summer vs winter). Focus on meals — breakfast, lunch, dinner and cut out or at least minimize mindless snacking.


We are built to move.

Move FREQUENTLY : Go for a walk, stand instead of sit, park in the furthest parking stall, play with your kids, walk your dog. Get creative and find ways to move. Check out this video and this video for how to incorporate “micro-workouts” into your routine.

Build muscle : Exercise is a NON-NEGOTIABLE aspect of health. In order to thrive physically, improve health, lose weight, and maintain a good quality of life, we must strengthen our muscles.

Think simple : Push, Pull, Squat, Core. Utilize these four movements for a complete full-body work out. Refer to the MTN HLTH Fitness Pyramid for more information.

Avoid Injury! : Exercise variability and movement quality are more important than load (weight) or intensity. Injuries are the #1 cause of inactivity as we age. The goal is to avoid injury and REMAIN consistently active.


How we sleep impacts our mood, energy level, hormone function, and caloric intake.

Prepare for sleep : Treat sleep like landing a plane rather than like flipping a light switch.

Avoid bright lights : When the sun sets, dim or turn off lights, especially overhead lights. In the morning, aim for a daily dose of sunlight in your eyes.

Sleep enough : Sleep QUALITY is more important than sleep quantity.

Caffeine : Avoid caffeine within 90 minutes of waking (allow your body to naturally clear adenosine) and within 10 hours of bedtime.

Routine : Go to sleep and wake up around the same time each day. Stay in a consistent rhythm. . .a circadian rhythm, that is.

Medications and alcohol : Both alcohol and sedative medications interrupt your natural circadian rhythm. Sedative medications were meant for temporary use. Remember, “sedation” is NOT “sleep.”

Mornings : Optimize your morning routine — bright light/sunlight, exercise, cold therapy, and socializing. Teach your body when it’s time to be awake.

Follow the MTN HLTH Sleep Optimization Guide for more tips


HLTH coaching keeps you accountable and helps you learn what your blind spots are. Learn what keeps you from getting stronger or eating better, what bad habits you may be unaware of, and HOW to go about implementing new health strategies. Utilize a HLTH coach to specifically find what works for you. Click below to schedule a free consultation with HLTH Coach Amy.