Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, or BHRT, utilizes hormones that are chemically identical to the hormones your body produces.

What does hormone deficiency look like?

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  • For men, testosterone plays a key role in energy, motivation, muscle strength, endurance, fat breakdown, sex drive, and cognitive function (memory). Suboptimal levels are associated with obesity, diabetes, premature aging, frailty, and other chronic diseases plaguing our society. Restoring testosterone to optimal levels can help improve the underlying cause of these preventative problems. In addition, it can help lower risk of heart disease and stroke, increase exercise tolerance, fight insulin resistance, improve metabolism, and reduce anxiety and depression. Learn more about TRT.

  • Testosterone is equally important in women as it is in men. It plays a vital role in fat breakdown, muscle building, sex drive, energy level, and prevention of many chronic diseases, including frailty.

  • For menopausal women, estradiol is absolutely essential. There are three major forms of estrogen in a female, estrone (E1), estradiol (E2), and estriol (E3). At MTN HLTH, we optimize these important hormones to improve quality of life and decrease all-cause mortality.

    Estradiol protects against heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and memory disorders, vaginal atrophy, urinary incontinence, urinary tract infections (UTIs), macular degeneration, colon cancer, and cataracts. It also prevents hot flashes, temperature dysregulation, and mood disorders.

  • Progesterone is important for all women. Its benefits are numerous and cannot be overstated. They include improved sleep and energy. At the same time, it can help reduce symptoms of PMS, fluid retention, bloating, headaches, bleeding, and fibroids. It can also help reduce irritability and improve mood, fights depression, and encourage weight loss. It is especially necessary in women with PCOS to help balance menstrual cycles. In post-menopausal women, it is just as important to restore progesterone as well as estrogen as they work in tandem to perform their many functions.

  • Thyroid affects all metabolic processes in the body. The benefits of thyroid optimization include increased energy level, fat burning, metabolism, and cerebral function. It also helps us to regulate body temperature. It protects against cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cognitive impairment, fatigue, weight gain, increased cholesterol, and memory loss.

  • DHEA (Dehydroepiandosterone) is a little know, yet important steroid hormone that, when optimized, functions as an anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-obesity, and anti-diabetic agent. It is also a precursor to testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone.

  • Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that looks and functions more like a hormone than a vitamin. The benefits of vitamin D optimization include increased bone health, muscle function, cardiovascular function, proper function of the nervous system, and immune function. Learn more about Vitamin D.

Normal aging?

Hormones are one of the most important aspects of health and wellbeing. They often goes unaddressed or are flat-out ignored by conventional medical practice. Both men and women experience a drop in important hormone function as they age due to either decreased production (at the glandular level) or insufficient utilization (at the cellular level). 

A lot of people succumb to the attitude that “you’re just getting older.” At MTN HLTH, we take a different approach.

Over the past few decades, a wealth of knowledge has accumulated regarding the positive impacts of hormone optimization on overall health, wellbeing, and quality of life as we age. Low levels of these hormones are associated with chronic disease states such as obesity and metabolic disorders.

We provide prescriptions for hormone optimization as appropriate, proper monitoring of lab values, and clinical response to treatment.